Basic Cooking Equipment Maintenance Needs

Aside from your employees, your cooking equipment is some of the most important things inside your restaurant. Just one unexpected issue can put a kink in serving your busy summer crowd. What’s worse, a kitchen fire could put you out of business for days if not weeks. it’s important to perform regular maintenance services to your equipment to help keep everything working properly for longer. Here are a few things that Fast Fix LLC highly suggests that you perform on a regular basis.

Vent Hood & Duct Cleaning

It doesn’t take long for grease to build-up on your vent hood and ductwork, which means that you will want to have a qualified contractor clean it at least 6 months. This service needs to be done by a certified hood cleaning service in Missouri, and it may even need to be done more frequently than every six months. In between the dates of service, you and your team will want to wipe down the visible part on the outside.

Grease Filter Cleaning

The grease filters in your kitchen do exactly what you think they would. They capture the grease-laden vapors as they flow up into the hood, which reduces the amount of grease that will travel into the ductwork. This can certainly help improve the number of times your ducts need to be cleaned, but it does mean that the grease filters need to be cleaned regularly. The most common interval is once a week, but you may find that they need to be done more frequently depending on every individual kitchen.

Automatic Extinguishing System (AES) Service

Did you know that your AES system needs to be cleaned by a qualified contractor at least every six months? The purpose behind this interval is to make sure that all of the components are ready to work in an instant if a fire should occur.

Deep Fat Fryer Inspection

Did you know that this is one of the greatest fire hazards in most commercial kitchens? This piece of equipment will need to be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s recommendations - and this includes a routine cleaning of the inside cabinet by your staff. You’ll also want to have it inspected by a qualified commercial cooking appliance contractor in Missouri at least every twelve months after the fryer unit has been in use for five years.

Floor Maintenance

Have you ever considered your floor to be part of your equipment? It’s really the piece of equipment that gets more regular use than any other part of your commercial kitchen. If you aren’t cleaning your floors properly, the chances of someone slipping and falling can interrupt your kitchen’s productivity, leave you short staffed, and cut into your bottom line.

You’ll want to clean the floors routinely with a quality cleaner that has been designed for commercial kitchen floors. Not sure where to start? The NFSI offers a list of certified floor cleaning products. Part of your daily floor-cleaning routine should include scrubbing the floors vigorously with a deck brush. You can also improve traction with non-slip kitchen shoes and rubber mats.

Sign Up For Our Maintenance Agreement

Fast Fix offers maintenance agreements on an individual basis. An information list is available outlining what we do to promote the health of your kitchen. One of the hardest things to do in a busy restaurant is to maintain a lot of the equipment that you use daily. With our help, we schedule Preventive Maintenance for your restaurant(s) that includes HVAC, refrigeration, cleaning and replacing filters throughout your restaurant. This reduces waste, downtime, energy usage, and improves the bottom line of your business. Our new customers will receive a discount on their first service call. We want to ensure that you are satisfied with the service that we provide. We offer competitive rates to all restaurants, school districts, senior care facilities and commercial businesses that provide and produce food. Fast Fix is excited to start working with your Missouri restaurant! Visit our website to learn more, or give us a call at 573.544.0456.

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair - 

One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Columbia: 573-544-0456
St. Louis: 636-327-8349


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