Ways to Make Your Commercial Kitchen Run More Efficiently

Owning or managing a restaurant or other commercial food-service business comes with its challenges. At times, it can be a bit overwhelming, but Fast Fix LLC is here to help. We've come up with this list of some ways to make your commercial kitchen run more efficiently.

1. Ask for Employee Feedback. 

Many managers can easily get set in their ways how things should be run. Unfortunately, this can cause problems and issues between employees and managers. A true leader is willing to listen to their staff and consider their recommendations about how to make processes run more efficiently. Try observing a full service to get a picture of what's going on in your kitchen. Then talk to each person on the team to find out what could help them be more efficient with their particular job. You don't want to be so controlling that people don't want to work for you. Instead, you want to teach your staff to work independently so they feel more invested in their job and will want to stay.

2. Create Individual Work Stations. 

When organizing your kitchen, you want to make sure that each employee has enough space to complete their job efficiently. Prevent bottlenecks from occurring by making sure there are clear, designated work spaces for each of the different kitchen duties. You want to have separate areas for prep and for finished plates headed out to the customers. With smaller kitchen staff, this might be challenging. The most important thing is that the food stays safe (not contaminated) and that the staff isn't stumbling over each other trying to use the same space and equipment at the same time.

3. Delegate Prep Work. 

One of the best ways to ensure your commercial kitchen runs efficiently throughout the day is to ensure its clean and prepped. Not having a clean, well-stocked kitchen at the beginning of a shift can set your cooks back and mess up the efficiency of the entire kitchen. Assign the daily prep work to someone that you trust. They should ensure that all the equipment is clean and in working order, and that the kitchen is well-stocked before doors open. In addition, you want to do as much prep work as possible before the restaurant opens. There are certain tasks you can perform ahead of time, such as peeling potatoes and chopping vegetables.

4. Invest in Your Staff. 

The most important aspect of an efficient kitchen is the type of staff that you employ. From the beginning, you want to hire highly-skilled and hard-working staff. You will need to invest time and money into hiring quality employees that are going to do a good job and work effectively with others. In addition to hiring the best kitchen crew possible, you'll want to continue to inspire and invest in that staff. Create an employee handbook and provide continued education and training to ensure employees know what's expected of them. Giving your staff a sense of purpose will help you retain those good employees.

These are just a few of the ways that you can improve the efficiency of your commercial kitchen. In addition to keeping your kitchen clean, it's important that you perform all necessary restaurant equipment repairs in Missouri. Keeping your equipment well maintained will also increase the efficiency of your commercial kitchen. The last thing you want is for your equipment to break down in the middle of a shift. For all your Missouri and Western Illinois restaurant equipment maintenance needs, contact Fast Fix LLC!

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair - 

One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Columbia: 573-544-0456
St. Louis: 636-327-8349


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