Making Restaurant Equipment Maintenance a Top Priority

Most restaurant owners don't think about equipment maintenance until something malfunctions or breaks. The reality though is that the maintenance of your equipment is just as important as customer experience and ingredient quality. Properly working equipment is directly related to your bottom line. Keep reading to learn more about why you should make Missouri food service equipment maintenance a top priority.

Expense Reduction 

According to an industry survey, restaurant chains who have set up formalized processes, technology and people in place to manage repairs spend 50% less than the industry average. Think about what you're currently spending on equipment repairs and maintenance. What could a reduction in those expenses mean for your business? By preventing equipment issues before they become costly repair problems, you can greatly reduce costs.

Customer Experience 

Aside from cost reductions, think about the impact of a clean and maintained facility on your customer experience. How does a kitchen with broken down equipment affect your ability to get food out to your customers in a timely fashion? Dirty or malfunctioning equipment can also affect the taste and quality of the food you're producing. Happy customers are the lifeblood of  your restaurant, so it's important that you're doing everything you can to ensure they have a great experience at your establishment.

Start a Maintenance Program 

The best way to ensure your equipment is being properly maintained is to setup a proper maintenance program. Rather than just focusing on the reactive maintenance, you want to consider preventative maintenance. Just like you give your car an oil change to prevent it from breaking down, you want to be proactive with your restaurant equipment too. Most warranties will actually require a minimum level of preventative maintenance in order to keep the warranty valid. Regular cleaning is also vital for keeping your equipment in tip-top shape, so ensure you have a cleaning schedule that your staff can follow. Be sure to track, with a detailed record, the cleaning and maintenance work performed on each piece of equipment in your commercial kitchen. The final piece of the puzzle when it comes to an effective maintenance plan is to hire a quality restaurant equipment repair company in Missouri.

At Fast Fix LLC, we offer maintenance programs on an individual basis. An information list is available outlining what we do to promote the health of your kitchen. For all your Missouri and Western Illinois restaurant equipment maintenance and repair needs, give us a call at 573-544-0456.

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair - 

One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Columbia: 573-544-0456
St. Louis: 636-327-8349


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