Fun Facts About Coffee

The caffeinated beverage that took the world by storm, coffee is loved in so many forms, styles, and varieties. We have restaurants all across the state that serve up this brew to their customers, so we’ve spent our fair share of time repairing commercial coffee machines in Mid-Missouri. If you enjoy the hearty roasted brew on a cold, snowy morning, here are a few fun facts that you may find pretty interesting next time you’re in your favorite Missouri restaurant!

1. Did you know that the average American spends more than $1000 on coffee each year? You’d think that this would make America the world’s most caffeinated nation - but you’d be wrong!

2. The actual coffee capital of the world is Finland. They don’t produce any beans of their own, but their citizens drink the most out of any country in the world!

3. Rumor has it that Beethoven enjoyed a cup of joe, but he was incredibly particular (even more than your average coffee drinking hipster!). He required that each cup he consumed was made with exactly 60 beans.

4. In 1932, Brazil couldn’t afford to send their athletes to the Olympics in Los Angeles, so they loaded their ship with coffee and sold it along the way.

5. There have been several attempts to ban coffee entirely, even as recently as the 18th century. Governments were trying to eradicate coffee, mainly for the reasons that it stimulated “radical thinking.” In 1746, Sweden took things to an extreme when it banned both coffee and coffee paraphernalia.

6. They always say that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. This even applies to your favorite brew. A video from AsapSCIENCE evaluated that it would take 70 cups of coffee to kill a person who is ritually 150-pounds.

7. Coffee dates back to 800 A.D., according to legend. Rumor has it that 9th-century goat herders noticed the effect that caffeine had on their goats. Apparently, the goats appeared to “dance” after eating the fruit of the Coffea plant. A local monk took it upon himself to make a drink with the produce and found that it kept him awake at night, thus the original cup of coffee was born.

8. Did you know that coffee beans are technically seeds? They are the pits of a cherry-like fruit found on a flowering shrub. We call them “beans” because they resemble legumes.

9. There are two main types of coffee, Arabica, and Robusta. The most common is Arabica, and while it’s less popular, Robusta tastes slightly more bitter and contains more caffeine.

10. Are you curious where most coffee is grown? Brazil grows the most coffee in the world by producing about a third of the world’s supply - about twice as much s the second place holder, Vietnam.

11. There are also two states in the U.S. that produce coffee as well. Kona coffee is grown in Hawaii, as it’s closer to the equator and has the best climate for coffee plants. However, California has also recently got into the coffee game with a few dozen farms producing premium bags.

12. Are you curious about the most expensive coffee? It can cost more than $600 per pound, and it’s not for any of the reasons that you would assume. This coveted coffee comes from the feces of an Asian lam civet. The cat-like creature eats fruit, including coffee cherries, but is unable to digest the beans. The excreted seeds are said to produce a smooth, less acidic brew called kopi luwak - think you’re brave enough to try it?

Repairing Commercial Coffee Machines in Mid-Missouri

Fast Fix LLC repairs a lot more than coffee machines, but if you have a machine that’s going down in your coffee shop or restaurant - we can help! Fast Fix LLC not only offers emergency services, but we also can provide a maintenance agreement to help keep the unexpected breakdowns at bay. Visit our website to learn more about our commercial kitchen repair company in St. Louis, or give us a call to get started. We look forward to keeping your kitchen running!

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair

Walk-In One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Columbia: 573-544-0456
St. Louis: 636-327-8349


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