Coffee Shop Talk

As we move into the winter months, there’s nothing more cozy and comforting than a coffee shop. From the scent of fresh roasted beans that hits your nostrils as soon as you walk in, to sitting down in a big cozy chair with a hot cup of joe on a brisk fall afternoon. The atmosphere and the menu options all work together to create a place where people love to be. If you own a coffee shop in Mid-Missouri or you are thinking about starting one, here are some interesting things happening around the coffee shop scene - and how Fast Fix LLC can help you reach your goals one piece of machinery at a time.

The Value of Coffee

So many people rely on coffee (and, let’s be real, caffeine) to fuel their day and start their mornings. This could be something they brew up at home, but if very well could be some java from your coffee shop. Did you know that the average coffee drinker has three cups per day? Just in the US alone there are 150 million daily drinkers. This increasing (but not new) popularity has provided a $100B coffee industry and it’s only going up from here.

How does this affect your brick and mortar store? The demand for coffee is on the rise, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is getting their favorite brew from a local restaurant. One trip down the coffee aisle at your local store and you will see options that are bottled, boxed, or canned - coffee is available in many forms and flavors, and the average coffee drinker may just be getting their fix there.

However, you don’t have to let this discourage you because Millennials are willing to spend more for a fancy caffeinated beverage - and there are plenty of them to go around.

Ways to Appeal to Your Customers

Do you want to know what is most important to a coffee drinker? There are several things, but these are the ways you can appeal to them through extras in-store. Coffee drinkers find these very appealing:

  • Loyalty Card 46%
  • Wifi 41%
  • Magazines & Newspapers 35%
  • Express Tills 30%
  • Staff Referring by Name 26%
  • Charity Donations 18%
  • Advance Ordering 17%
  • Touchless Payment 16%

Create an Experience

Studies are showing that customers appreciate the experience of their coffee shop. From seasonal flavors that are exclusive and available for a specific amount of time, to one-of-a-kind menu options. A study by Eventbrite showed that 75% of people said that they believe unique dining experiences are worth paying more for - this can be a huge selling point! From upscale coffee bars with different mix-ins and toppings to a photo station complete with amazing lighting and props to remind guests to post a photo and tag it - there are great ways to get your customers chatting.

Ready. Set. Brew.

As coffee drinkers begin to long for hot beverages, now is the time to make sure that your machines are in tip-top shape. If you need repairs made to your commercial coffee maker in Mid-Missouri, Fast Fix is here for you. We specialize in all things related to commercial coffeeshop equipment in Mid-Missouri, and we can help you get your appliances fixed, and then keep them that way. Check out our maintenance agreements to learn how we can keep you on a regular plan - this can be a huge asset during the busy holiday months. Visit our website to learn more about us! We look forward to serving your company, and don’t forget that one call does it all!

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair - 

Walk-In One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Columbia: 573-544-0456
St. Louis: 636-327-8349


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