Restaurant Food Trends for 2019

Every once in a while, it’s nice to revamp your restaurant menu and start offering something new and trendy. Of course, sometimes, in those cases, you have to purchase new equipment to meet the new requirements. Here are a few predicted trends for 2019 in the restaurant menu world. Don’t forget that Fast Fix LLC can be a great connection for purchasing new restaurant equipment in Missouri!

Globally Inspired Foods

People are becoming more and more educated in other varieties of food, whether this is through more opportunities to travel or just seeing foods from around the world on television. With that, you’ll find that more and more restaurants are including globally sintered dishes on their menu. This can be for any meal, though it’s becoming incredibly popular for breakfast. Latin American cooking has experienced a recent influx, as people are more and more open to the flavors of places like Cuba, Venezuela, etc. Old-School French techniques are also experiencing an influx, as a lot of older French techniques are reemerging in their authentic and cultural form.

Plant Based Entrées

It’s not just about substituting a meat product in a meal, it’s about consumers wanting to enjoy plant-based options that delicious and complete dishes on their own. With that, consumers also like to enjoy locally sourced options that have a story.

In fact, many trending themes are showing that there are many diners looking for entirely plant-based options to replace items like burger or chicken. Plant-based proteins are a hot topic this year to replace the greasy and not as healthy options of the past. People are much more protein conscious, and this is one way we’re seeing it. There are some incredible vegan options making their way on menus this year, and if you haven’t jumped on the train yet, it’s a great time to participate!

Drinks That Dazzle

Beverages are really popular right now, as people look for something unique, fun, and exciting. This can be as simple as a cold brew, which has been very popular in the past but is still remaining so today, or as complex as clarified cocktails. Clarified cocktails are ultra-smooth drinks that are made using a culinary centrifuge. It removes the cloudiness from a beverage, while still leaving all of the flavors.

As well, we’re seeing a rise in popular beverages like Georgian, Lambrusco, and South African wines, and even exotic teas, and high-alcohol kombucha. Look for beverages that will wow your guests, from aloe liqueur, sake cocktails, or even black chardonnay.

Waste Not

It’s an ever-rising trend of importance - finding ways to use what you have and not add to the waste issue. Many in the restaurant industry are increasingly passionate about reducing food waste, as well as to make their operations sustainable. There are already movements in place to help reduce single-use plastic in various cities, and as this becomes more and more common, you’ll find that technologies will increase to help aid in the reduce, reuse, recycle mentality.

Update Your Restaurant Menu

If you’ve always wanted to try something new in your restaurant, but you need new commercial restaurant equipment in Missouri, we can help. Fast Fix LLC is both known for our ability to fix what you have, but also help you purchase new appliances to meet your new demands. Visit our website to learn more about our commercial appliance repairs in St. Louis, as well as learn about the brand we are most familiar with. For all of your commercial kitchen services in Missouri - Fast Fix LLC is here for you.

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair - 

One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Columbia: 573-544-0456
St. Louis: 636-327-8349


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