5 Tips for Keeping Your Restaurant Kitchen Cool This Summer

With the combination of hot air, flames and busy bodies, it can easily get sweltering hot in a commercial kitchen, especially during the hot summer months. Today's blog from Missouri's best restaurant equipment repair company offers some tips for beating the heat in your restaurant kitchen this summer.

The key to keeping your restaurant kitchen cool involves ventilation, circulation and hydration! Here are a few ways that you can accomplish that:

1. Ensure Your Air Conditioning System is Working Properly. 

The first, most obvious way to stay cool during the hot summer months is Air Conditioning. While most restaurant probably already have an AC system installed, it's important to make sure that its working properly. Keeping your AC maintained is key for ensuring that it continues to work properly throughout the entire summer season. If you're not sure the last time your system was checked/maintained, consider calling the professionals at Fast Fix LLC to come take a look at it for you. In addition to a properly working system, it's important that the type of system that has been installed is a good fit for the space. Not all air conditioning systems are made a like, and if your system is too small for the area its trying to cool, you're going to have issues keeping the heat at bay in your commercial kitchen.

2. Install Proper Ventilation Systems in the Kitchen. 

Exhaust hoods are essential for keeping your restaurant kitchen cool. Their purpose is to capture and filter out heat, fumes, smoke and particulates, making it easier for your HVAC system to run properly. Ventilation systems are subject to health department inspections, so be sure to obtain professional advice before just going out and buying one. You should also consider side panels to reduce cross drafts and variable speed ventilation fans that power down during less busy times.

3. Use Fans to Increase Air Circulation. 

Fans will help with air circulation in your restaurant kitchen. You can experiment with placement in your kitchen to see what works best. Placing fans close to the ground will help to circulate air around employees' ankles, keeping them cooler. Placing a fan near a doorway to help steam cool air in or hot air out could be another way to improve the air circulation in your commercial kitchen. When using fans, just ensure that you keep the fan blades, box and guard clean from dust and debris that could blow into the food preparation areas. Still, you will want to aim the fans away from prep areas and hot food pick-up areas to avoid blowing ingredients around the kitchen or cooling hot food by accident.

4. Keep Your Employees Hydrated. 

Keeping your employees cool isn't just about controlling the temperature of the air around them. Hydration plays a large role in keeping them cool as well. Make sure you're encouraging your kitchen staff to drink plenty of water throughout their shift. A fun way to remind staff of the importance of hydration is to make a "Hydration Station." You can even fill a canister with cucumber or fruit-infused water to offer something unique and different than your typical tap water.

5. Have Staff Meetings in the Walk-In. 

A great way to cool off quickly is to step into the walk-in cooler. Host your staff meetings in the walk-in to give employees a chance to cool off. Leave a chair in there for employees to take regular breaks in there to get out of the heat. Just make sure that there's no open/exposed food in there that could become contaminated by having employees go in and out. Always adhere to food and work safety regulations. If your refrigeration systems aren't working properly, you know you can trust the team at Fast Fix LLC to get it back up and running in a jiffy.

Not only is it important for your HVAC system to be working properly, but also your other kitchen equipment. Food-service equipment that is not working properly could be emitting more heat than normal. To ensure your restaurant equipment is working efficiently, call the professionals at the best restaurant equipment maintenance company in Missouri. We're here for all your restaurant equipment repair needs, and we're available 24/7 for emergency service.

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair - 

One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Columbia: 573-544-0456
St. Louis: 636-327-8349


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