Extending the Life of Your Restaurant Equipment

Restaurant equipment is one of the most costly factors of opening a restaurant or other commercial kitchen business. In the event something happens to your equipment, it will take a big chunk of change to replace it. Therefore, it's in your best interest as the restaurant owner to make sure that the equipment lasts as long as possible. In today's blog from your favorite Missouri restaurant equipment maintenance company, you'll discover some best practices for extending the life of your equipment.

1. Properly Cleaning Your Restaurant Equipment. 

The single best thing you can do to ensure a longer life for your equipment is to keep it clean. This requires daily cleaning of all your restaurant equipment. Depending on the type of equipment, you should clean it either after every use or at the end of the work day. Regular cleaning will prevent food, grime, dust and rust from building up on your equipment components. This will keep your equipment running effectively and efficiently, as well as help prevent premature malfunction. When cleaning your equipment, make sure that use use the proper cleaning supplies. Each piece of equipment is different and may require a different cleaning method. Refer to the equipment's operating manual for cleaning instructions. Be sure not to use harsh chemicals that could damage the equipment.

2. Regularly Inspecting Your Restaurant Equipment. 

When it comes to your restaurant equipment, being proactive can help prevent major problems and issues that could cause a shorter life for your equipment. By regularly inspecting each piece of equipment, you can often prevent small problems from turning into bigger, more costly issues. Check all of your equipment's components, connections and all moving parts for any leaks, loose parts and general wear and tear. You might consider creating a log book to ensure your equipment is being inspected regularly, or better yet, hire a professional restaurant equipment service company in Missouri to perform regular maintenance checks!

3. Operate Your Restaurant Equipment Properly. 

One of the most common causes of a shortened equipment lifespan is the misuse and abuse or restaurant equipment. As a restaurant owner, it's important that you provide training for new employees, as well as ongoing refreshers for seasoned employees, on how to properly use each piece of equipment in your commercial kitchen. You can increase the longevity of your equipment by ensuring it is being used properly, for it's intended purpose only. Refer to the owner's manual with any questions about the proper use of a particular piece of equipment.

4. Fix Restaurant Equipment Problems in a Timely Fashion. 

Restaurant equipment malfunctions, no matter how minor, should be addressed as soon as possible. Not only do they affect the efficiency of your commercial kitchen, but they can lead to even bigger issues if not addressed in a timely fashion. If there's clearly something wrong with a piece of equipment in your commercial kitchen, you should avoid using it until a professional restaurant equipment technician in Missouri can take a look at it. Even if your equipment is still working, maybe just not efficiently, you'll still want to have it looked at. Failure to address a minor issues can lead to more expensive repairs later, or even a decreased lifespan for your equipment.

At Fast Fix LLC, we're here for all your restaurant equipment needs and we're available 24/7 for emergency service. If you're in need of Missouri or Western Illinois restaurant equipment repair or maintenance services, give us a call at 573-544-0456.

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Equipment Service & Repair - 

One Call Does It All! 

Fast Fix LLC. Restaurant Services
3362 State Road JJ
Kingdom City, MO 65262

Phone: 573-544-0456
St. Louis Customers: 636-FASTFIX


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